Things To Do When Working With An AV Staffing Company

Working with an AV (audio-visual) staffing agency can fast-track the hiring process when your company needs access to professionals with audio-visual skills. However, so that you enjoy this hiring relationship at every stage, you need to do certain things.

See Exactly What Type of Staffing is Provided

Your company probably has a good idea of which audio-visual specialists it needs help from, be it programmers or engineers. So that an AV staffing agency can help you fill these particular roles, you need to find out early on what type of staff they provide access to.

Can they give you a list of contacts that are relevant to the AV position you're looking to fill? The agency should highlight exactly which AV specialists they have a hiring pipeline to. If you see the right positions being offered, then you know this hiring relationship will be strategic and deliver results.

Explain Needs if They Change

The needs out of an AV specialist may not always remain the same. They could even change during the hiring process for said professionals as your project changes in some way. You'll be okay if you notify the AV staffing company the moment your job requirements change.

Instead of needing a sound engineer, you may realize a different professional is required, for example. These changes won't lead to poor hiring results if you just keep the AV staffing company informed. They can then redirect their focus to professionals that are better matches.

Make Sure Timeline Matches Up

Regardless of what type of AV specialist your company needs to hire, you probably have a specific timeline for when this hire needs to happen. It could be in several weeks or months down the line. Whatever the case, make sure the AV staffing company is aware of this timeline.

They'll then find professionals that are readily available in case your project requires a quick hire. Or, they can find an AV specialist with an open schedule and can be brought in when your company is truly ready for them. Just vocalize this timeframe so that your project doesn't become more complex than it has to be. 

Working alongside an AV staffing company can make it a lot easier to find technical specialists quickly. This is especially true if you approach this relationship aware of things you can do to help the staffing agency find great matches in the audio-visual department. 

401 Words

About Me

A/V Equipment Technology Is Advancing Rapidly I still remember my family renting VHS tapes from my local video store every weekend on our family's Friday "movie night." Of course, we also had an additional video tape rewinder machine, because there was a rumor that the rewind mechanisms on VHS video players typically wore out quickly. Audio visual technology has advanced rapidly since those days, and I love staying on top of all of the new A/V technology out there. I have a home movie projector in my home theater, and I love teaching others about the benefits of these relatively affordable machines that provide a real "movie theater" experience right at home. I also stay on top of new television technology and am always eager to try out new TV tech. I plan to post many A/V tips and tricks on my new blog, so come back often!


