Make Your Self-Funded Music Video Look Professional With A Sound Engineer

Are you planning on funding your own music video? Whether you want to use it as a self-promotional tool to launch your own career or if you are letting your students have some fun with a performance for the YouTube crowd, don't forget that the first word in "music video" is music. In other words, the best video camera in the world isn't going to be enough to get the job done if the music itself doesn't sound any good because your audio is messed up. For best results, here's why you should look into contacting a local sound engineer to assist you with your upcoming video shoot. 

You May Only Have the Funds to Do This Once So Make Sure It Sounds Great

Hiring a sound engineer might sound expensive, but the right engineer could actually save you money. If you only find out that your audio is awful after the video is recorded, you could have to go back to the studio for a reshoot which will cost even more money. In some cases, maybe you have been saving up for your one shot at making a professional-looking video. If you get it wrong on this attempt, you might not have the funds left over to rent out the studio and hire additional talent all over again. The additional expense of a sound engineer in this case will ensure that the rest of your money doesn't go to waste.

Music Executives Will Not Be As Easily Impressed as Your Family and Friends and You Need to Sound Pitch Perfect

Very few people really make it big in the music business but so many people still dream about it every day. That means that the average talent scout or executive has seen and heard it all before. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need everything about your music video or production to be top-tier and professional. The skilled ear of a music executive is going to be able to tell the difference between professional-grade audio and someone who just winged it the best that they could.

Sound Engineers Have Likely Visited Other Music Video Shoots and May Have Additional Advice or Best Practices to Offer

When you hire a sound engineer, you are not just getting direct help with your setup and assistance on the day of the shoot. You are also getting someone who might have years of experience and can help you adjust your setup in just the right to ensure maximum sound quality.

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About Me

A/V Equipment Technology Is Advancing Rapidly I still remember my family renting VHS tapes from my local video store every weekend on our family's Friday "movie night." Of course, we also had an additional video tape rewinder machine, because there was a rumor that the rewind mechanisms on VHS video players typically wore out quickly. Audio visual technology has advanced rapidly since those days, and I love staying on top of all of the new A/V technology out there. I have a home movie projector in my home theater, and I love teaching others about the benefits of these relatively affordable machines that provide a real "movie theater" experience right at home. I also stay on top of new television technology and am always eager to try out new TV tech. I plan to post many A/V tips and tricks on my new blog, so come back often!


